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Enhancement request: Position of informational messages

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 07:59
by ploughguy
I am a new BeyonWiz V2 owner and I am almost delirious with satisfaction.

However, I have a couple of nit-picky enhancement requests, one of which is:

- Information pop-ups - such as “scheduled recording has started” (or words to that effect) appear perfectly aligned in the middle of the picture. This is fine for important for critical messages (such as the currently unimaginable “You are about to run out of storage”) but inappropriate for FYI messages that reassure us that nothing is wrong.

I propose (with little authority) that they would be better placed at the top of the screen, away from the usual focus of action in centre-screen and the subtitles at the bottom.

I know that the “Your recording has started” message can be disabled, but if I want to see it, it is appropriate that it is noticeable but not dominant.

All FYI messages should be displayed similarly.

Thanks for an excellent product.

Re: Enhancement request: Position of informational messages

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 08:39
by prl
Something similar was done for the popup when subtitles are switched on/off.

I guess that no-one has thought much about this one because I suspect that few people use the feature. For me, a PVR is all about not needing to bother about when recordings start (or finish).