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T2 dead in the water. Hard drive failure.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 15:16
by whomichaelwho
What is the best thing to do from here to recover my recorded shows. Is the data going to be encrypted and so can't be used out of the unit? Is it possible to transfer recovered data to a new hard drive and then carry on as normal?


Re: T2 dead in the water. Hard drive failure.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 16:06
by Grumpy_Geoff
Why do you think the HDD is dead?
If it is indeed dead, then you won't be able to get any recordings off of it.
Does the T2 boot up and show live TV and you can bring up the menus etc. (just not the movie list)? If so, just buy another 2.5" HDD and stick it in the T2.

Re: T2 dead in the water. Hard drive failure.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 17:19
by prl
whomichaelwho wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 15:16
Is the data going to be encrypted and so can't be used out of the unit?

Recording data is not encrypted or in any sort of strange format. A recording data is in an easily identifiable filename with a .ts extension. It will have up to 5 metadata files with the same name but different extensions that describe various things about the recording. The recording format is MPEG Transport Stream, MPEG2 or MOEG4 depending on which was broadcast.
whomichaelwho wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 15:16
Is it possible to transfer recovered data to a new hard drive and then carry on as normal?

In principle, yes, but if the HDD was formatted on the V2, it will have a Linux ext4 filesystem volume on it with the recordings in that volume. The file format can be read on any Linux box, but on Windows, only with additional software.

But if the drive is indeed dead, then, as MrQuade says, you definitely won't be able to get any data off it.

Re: T2 dead in the water. Hard drive failure.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 21:02
by MrQuade
prl wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 17:19
, as MrQuade says,
I would have, bit didn't in this instance ;). It was that other Perth guy ;) (not Trevor!)