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Custom location recording trick (reduce empty media folders)

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 19:44
by jazza
I've recently started using folders per series as my media recordings list grows plump.

For example I put <show name> into ../media/movies/<showname/ for just the series and leave movies or one off recordings in the folder.

The problem I then had was with a whole screen of individual series folders when I hit 'media' I had to go into each series folder to see if they had recordings or if they were empty (or all were empty).

What I've done is test that if I create a new autotimer for showX then set the autotimer 'custom location' path to ../media/movies/showX (which needs a new folder created during adding the autotimer so it can be selected).

Then I save the autotimer.
Then disable the autotimer (off).
Then delete the new folder (I can't seem to do this if I leave the autotimer enabled or it records into the trash folder).
Then re-enable the autotimer.

The effect is the next time an autotimer starts recording showX it will create the /media/movies/showX folder and record into it.

For regular shows there's not much point in disabling/deleting the folder/reenabling, but for shows that aren't regularly on/recorded then it means I can now watch all recordings in showX subfolder, delete them, delete showX folder and do the same for other series and not have empty series subfolders, only those with new/some recordings will show in the media recordings list.

Possible feature request: It could be useful to add a feature to to autotimers to allow 'hide empty series custom locations' as an on/off setting to trick the GUI into not displaying these empty folders unless there's new recordings.


Re: Custom location recording trick (reduce empty media fold

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 20:50
by tezza007
prl'l get right on it, he loves Autotimers :lol: