A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

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A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Thu Oct 15, 2015 16:44

AutoTimers - how to get started

If you have existing timers for series you want to have AutoTimers for, you can import them into the AutoTimer system using MENU>TV/RADIO>AutoTimer, then MENU>Import existing timer.

When you use "Import existing timer" to import a timer created from the IceTV guide, the title used in the two guides may differ, e.g. Hollands Hoop" in IceTV, "Hollands Hope" in the FTA guide, "Clarke and Dawe" in IceTV, "Clarke & Dawe" in the FTA guide.

Alternatively, you can make IceTV timers from the EPG. Navigate to the show you want to "series record" and press BLUE Add AutoTimer.

If you go through the EPG, you get the Import AutoTimer screen, first screen in peteru's AutoTimers are cool post, and in that you probably want to untick everything except match title and exact match.

The Import AutoTimer screen you get when you use "Import existing timer" is similar, and unticking all the boxes except except match title and exact match is probably the best option.

The next screen you get is Edit AutoTimer, the "full blown editor" pages in AutoTimers are cool.
  • Set "Search type" to exact or title starts with
  • Set "Search strictness" to case-insensitive
  • Turn off "Only match during timespan" (that allows the AutoTimer to follow scheduling changes), and it should be off by default,
  • Set "Require description to be unique" to "Any service/recording" (that helps eliminate recordings of "encores" of current series)
  • Set "Check for uniqueness in" to "Title and all descriptions"
  • Set the "Restriction to certain bouquets" to your Favourites bouquet
  • You may want to set up "Other filters" to filter out shows marked as repeats
That will work a lot of the time. Some tweaks will be needed on some shows. For example, some shows have the same description for all episodes, and that makes Require description to be unique not work in the way you probably want it to, especially for daily shows.

The settings will match any show at any time if the title matches, a show with the same title, description and extended description hasn't already matched and it's being shown in any of the channels in the bouquet you set

I found the interface to setting filters (the last 4 entries on the Edit AutoTimer page) rather unintuitive. Expect it to not do quite what you wanted the first few times you try. Match strings in title and description filters are Python regular expressions, so they may do odd things if you're not aware of characters that have special meaning in regular expressions. For example, the Nine markup for repeats is '[RPT]' in the short description. But if you use '[RPT]' in an exclude filter on short description, it will exclude anything that has a 'R', 'P' or 'T' in the short description, because the regular expression characters '[]' mean match any single character, or character in a range, inside the brackets. The correct match string for '[RPT]' is '\[RPT\]', but that may be hard to enter through the SMS-style keyboard. The match string 'RPT' should work almost as well.

At least in the Canberra FTA EPG, only WIN has the [RPT] repeat markup, and it's not all that reliable.

There have been reports on the forum that repeat markup is not nationally consistent. A repeat match string of '(?i)rpt' (case insensitive search for 'rpt' may be more generally useful.

Once you've worked out what settings you want most of the time, you can enter them in a similar editor screen in MENU>TV/RADIO>AutoTimer, then MENU>Edit new timer defaults. Once you've done that, you'll get those as the defaults in every new AutoTimer you create, but you still need to do that un-ticking in the first, because ticked items there will over-ride your defaults!

Once that's done, it may be a good idea to set MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Remove completed timers after to 7 days or more (the default is 7). That will help Require description to be unique to work properly.

And last, but by no means least, set MENU>TV/RADIO>AutoTimer, MENU>Setup>Guess existing timer based on begin/end to OFF, if it's not already (on a new box with recent firmware it should be OFF by default). You may want to enable Add similar timer on conflict. Other default settings should be OK.

Matching events and filtering

Each time the AutoTimer system looks for new timers to add, each defined AutoTimer runs through the list of events (programs) in the EPG.

It selects a list of candidate events for the AutoTimer based on the settings "Match title", "Search type" and "Search strictness". "Match title" is the string used for matching. It's always used for the match whether the "Search type" is actually matching in the title, or if it's set to "match description".

In "Search type", "exact match" requires the "Match title" to match the event's title exactly, "title starts with" requires the event title to start with the "Match title", "partial match" matches if the "Match title" string is anywhere in the event title and "description match" matches the event if either the event's short description or extended description contain the string in "Match title".

The list is then filtered. Filters that are disabled or empty are ignored. The events in the list are removed if they match an exclude filter, and only included if they don't match an exclude filter and also match an include filter. If there are no filters defined, all candidates are left in the list.

Then all matching events are used to generate once-off timers in the timer list (TIMER from live TV).

Avoiding recording recently-shown shows

While the EPG doesn't have enough reliable repeat markup to avoid recording unwanted repeats of shows, it does have a mechanism to avoid recording "encore" showings of a program within a short time of the first showing.

There are two AutoTimer settings to control this: "Require description to be unique" and "Check for uniqueness in".

The settings for "Require description to be unique" are "No", "On same service", "On any service" and "Any service/recording". Setting this to "No" disables the feature for the AutoTimer". "On same service" restricts the checking to events on the same service (but "encores" on the broadcaster's main service are often on one of the other services). "On any service" checks looks for matching events on any service, and "Any service/recording" also checks for recordings with matching descriptions.

The settings for "Check for uniqueness in" are "Title", "Title and Short description" and "Title and all descriptions". The title alone is probably not specific enough to be useful for this purpose in most cases, and the way short and extended descriptions are used in the EPG is not well specified in the FreeTV operational practice guides, so it's probably bets to use "Title and all descriptions" most of the time.

Sometimes the EPG title and description for all episodes (or several episodes) of a series can be the same, even though the episodes are different (episodes of Horrible Histories showing currently on ABC3 is an example), and "Require description to be unique" won't work properly on those series.

Services from Ten sometimes add the text " - Encore" to the end of the title of an "encore" showing of a program. This means that the "encore" will not be correctly identified by "Require description to be unique", because the two showings of the program have different titles, even though their content is the same. To remove programs that have "- Encore" in their titles from consideration for recording, see "Including/excluding recordings based on string matches" below.

For the search over existing timers looking for recordings of the same show to work properly, set MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Remove completed timers after to 7 days or more (the default is 7).

The list of already-existing recordings of a candidate event for recording is built up as the list of AutoTimers is scanned. It will always contain all the recordings in the destination set in the AutoTimer's "Use a custom location" setting, or the directory set in MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Timer recording location if no specific directory is set in the AutoTimer. However, it will also contain the recordings in other folders used by previous AutoTimers checked in the scan. The list of AutoTimers is scanned in alphabetical order by the AutoTimer "Description".

Including recordings based on time of day

In the Edit AutoTimer screen, enable "only match during timespan" and enter the time limits using the numeric keypad. Entering a number moves right automatically. Use LEFT/RIGHT to move without entering a number. If "End" is less than or equal to "Begin", the end time is taken to be on the following day (i.e. 20:00 - 02:00 means from 8pm on the day of the start of the recording to 2am on the following day).

Including/excluding recordings based on day of week

Only the enable/disable status of this filter is available in the Edit AutoTimer, displayed in "Restriction to certain days of the week".

To set up a day of week filter, press YELLOW Edit filters to enter the Edit AutoTimer filters screen. switch on "Enable filtering" if it's off, navigate to Filter and use LEFT/RIGHT to select "on Weekday". Then press BLUE New to get the "Select type of Filter" popup, and choose "Exclude" or "Include".

Navigate to the new Exclude or Include screen entry and select a specific weekday, "Weekday" (Mon-Fri) or "Weekend" (Sat-Sun").

Press BLUE New to add further day-of-week conditions. Press GREEN Save to save the new filter(s) or RED Cancel to cancel the addition(s).

The day of week filter applies to the EPG event start time (unpadded). The order of entry of the filters makes no difference to their behaviour. The screen lists all "Exclude" filters before all "Include" filters, and an event will be excluded from being recorded if it matches any "Exclude" filters, and included if it matches no "Exclude" filters and also matched at least one "Include" filter.

Including recordings based on date

In the Edit AutoTimer screen, enable "Restrict to events on certain dates", and enter dates for "Not before" and "Not after". The only way to change the dates seems to be using LEFT/RIGHT. Press-and-hold seems to be the only way to change dates quickly. The default is not before today and not after 7 days time.

Including recordings based on Channel or Bouquet

Only the enable/disable status of these filters are available in the Edit AutoTimer, displayed in "Restriction to certain services" and "Restriction to certain bouquets".

To set up a services or bouquets filter, press Blue Edit services to enter the Edit AutoTimer services screen. switch on "Enable filtering" if it's off, navigate to "Editing" and use LEFT/RIGHT to choose between "Channels" and "Bouquets". Then press BLUE New to get the Bouquets selection screen. If you are choosing a channel, navigate to a bouquet that contains the channel, press OK, then in the channel selection screen, navigate to the channel you want to select and press OK. If you are selecting a bouquet, navigate the the bouquet and press OK.

Press BLUE New to add further services or bouquets. Press GREEN Save to save the new filter(s) or RED Cancel to cancel the addition(s).

This is an "include-only" filter. The event will only be considered for recording if it matches one of the services in the services list or one of the services in the bouquets list. There's no way to exclude services other than by making sure they're not included in either of the lists.

Including/excluding recordings based on string matches (Other filters)

Only the enable/disable status of this filter is available in the Edit AutoTimer, displayed in "Other filters".

To set up a string match filter, press YELLOW Edit filters to enter the Edit AutoTimer filters screen. switch on "Enable filtering" if it's off, navigate to Filter and use LEFT/RIGHT to select "in Title", "in Shortdescription" or "in Description". Then press BLUE New to get the "Select type of Filter" popup, and choose "Exclude" or "Include".

Navigate to the new Exclude or Include screen entry and enter a match string. The default is SMS-style text entry. Press TEXT to get the on-screen keyboard. It contains some characters that are missing in SMS-style entry. If you're entering a complicated match string, or you're entering a lot of match strings a USB (wireless) keyboard may be useful.

The match strings are Python regular expressions, and some characters have special meaning and don't match "as-is". They are '.^$*+{}\[]|()' (quite a lot, really). If you want to include one of these characters for a filter match, put a '\' in front of it. That includes using '\\' to match '\', and explains why '\[RPT\]' is needed to match the string '[RPT]' above.

A useful trick is to put '(?i)' at te beginning of the match string to get case-insensitive matching, as in the '(?i)rpt' example above.

Press BLUE New to add further match strings. Press GREEN Save to save the new filter(s) or RED Cancel to cancel the addition(s).

The order of entry of the filters makes no difference to their behaviour. The screen lists all "Exclude" filters before all "Include" filters, and an event will be excluded from being recorded if it matches any "Exclude" filters, and included if it matches no "Exclude" filters and also matched at least one "Include" filter.

Other useful AutoTimer controls

Timer type can have the AutoTimer generate either recording or "zap" (view) timers.

Use automatic selection of alternatives will use the alternative for an channel if one has been set up in the channel list, through FAV, MENU>add alternatives. Alternatives are generally not needed for Australian FTA television.

Custom offset allows you to set pre- and post-padding for timers generated by the AutoTimer, so, for example, if you know a program always runs on schedule, you can make the padding short.

Set maximum duration allows you to limit the length of recording timers generated. If an event runs for longer than the time set here, no timer will be generated for it.

After event allows you to set the action taken by the timer when it complete. "Standard" uses the default action for record timers, "auto".

Use a custom location allows you to set a destination directory for recordings generated by the AutoTimer. This allows you to create "per-series" folders, for example. Otherwise the AutoTimer records to the directory set in MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Timer recording location.

AutoTimer settings

AutoTimer settings are in MENU>TV/RADIO>AutoTimer, MENU>Setup.

Poll automatically enables regular automatic polling of the AutoTimer list to check for new recordings and adjust existing ones in their EPG entry has changed. Otherwise, the AutoTimer list is only scanned by using GREEN Save from the AutoTimer screen, MENU>TV/RADIO>AutoTimer.

Only poll while in standby will update timers from the AutoTimers list only while in standby (not deep standby/shutdown).

Startup delay is the time in minutes after startup when the first automatic poll will be done.

Only add timer for next x days limits how far in the future the AutoTimers will create timers for. Set to 0 for no limitation.

Show in plugin browser controls whether there is an AutoTimer entry in the PLUGIN screen.

Show in extension menu controls whether there is an AutoTimer entry in the live TV BLUE Extension menu popup.

Modify existing timers controls whether and how timers are updated if their event's time changes in the EPG. "None" disables this feature. "All non-repeating timers" allows the timer to be modified even if its event id is different from the event id in the EPG, and "Only AutoTimers with the same EIT" allows the timer to be changed if the EPG event id is the same as the timer event id. If you want to modify timers using "Guess existing timer on begin/end" (below), you need to set this to "All non-repeating timers". If "Guess existing" is disabled, "All non-repeating timers" and "Only AutoTimers with the same EIT" should have the same effect.

Guess existing timer on begin/end when enabled, AutoTimers try to find existing timers for the AutoTimer from their begin/end time. This option works very poorly for programs that are short compared to the padding used. It's recommended that you turn this off, because it can cause large numbers of timers to be created when there should only be one.

Add similar timer on conflict allows the AutoTimer system to look for similar events to record if recording the first selected event would cause a tuner conflict. The settings for "Check for uniqueness in" in the AutoTimer are used to control which EPG information is used to compare for similarity.

Editor for new AutoTimers allows you to choose between the normal AutoTimer editor (Classic) and an AutoTimer wizard (Wizard) to create new AutoTimers using BLUE Add in AutoTimer Overview.

Add timer as disable on conflict creates a disabled timer if it would create a tuner conflict if enabled. If "Add similar timer on conflict" is enabled, and an alternative can be found, the alternative is recorded and there is no disabled timer created.

AutoTimer MENU

The AutoTimer menu is MENU>TV/RADIO>AutoTimer, MENU.

Help Some help about AutoTimers. I didn't find it particularly helpful.

Frequently asked questions A brief FAQ. I didn't find it particularly helpful, either.

Preview Lists the timers that the AutoTimer system would generate from the current set of enabled AutoTimers. The list takes into account all filtering except for the filtering described in "Avoiding recording recently-shown shows" above.

Import existing timer sets up an AutoTimer from the information in an existing timer. When you use "Import existing timer" to import a timer created from a different EPG, like the IceTV guide, the title used in the two guides may differ, e.g. Hollands Hoop" in IceTV, "Hollands Hope" in the FTA guide, "Clarke and Dawe" in IceTV, "Clarke & Dawe" in the FTA guide.

Import from EPG Allows you to import AutoTimer settings from the EPG. It takes you to the Bouquet selection screen. Navigate to a bouquet that contains the service you want to record from, press OK, then in the channel list, select the service you want to record from. This takes you to a single-channel EPG. Navigate to the event you want to use for the AutoTimer setup, and press BLUE Add Auto Timer. Ten set up the AutoTimer as described in the first section of the guide.

Setup is described in detail in the previous section.

Edit new timer defaults allows you to set up defaults for the creation of AutoTimers. This allows you to, for example, set up filters that are added to all new AutoTimers.

Create a new timer using the classic editor creates a timer using the full AutoTimer editor, ignoring the setting "Editor for new AutoTimers"
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Fri Oct 16, 2015 08:09

A couple of details. If you set bouquet to favourites as default and you wish to specify a channel for a particular timer, then you need to remember to remove the bouquet filter.

Custom location. This automatically adds a bookmarked directory when you specify it in the UI. It can be annoying to have so many bookmarked locations but this is useful as OpenWebIF only lets you select from the list of bookmarked locations and in the UI you can use the left/right arrows to step through the list of bookmarked locations.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Fri Oct 16, 2015 08:29

I'm initially looking for a way for people to convert from IceTV as easily as possible. More detail will follow.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Fri Oct 16, 2015 08:39

prl wrote:I'm initially looking for a way for people to convert from IceTV as easily as possible. More detail will follow.
I was in two minds whether to post as it goes beyond quick guide. Maybe we need an autotimers tips topic and move my post to that?
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Gully » Sat Oct 17, 2015 13:32


It might be worth adding a stronger warning to check for differences in naming. The first example that got me this time was Clarke and Dawe (as it is in IceTV) which is Clarke & Dawe in the FTA guide.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by craigh » Sat Oct 17, 2015 15:43

Excellent guide, added the changes for checking title and description for uniqueness etc.. some exclude filters for Encore on channel 10 and I have have a very clean set of timers being created.

I looked at my NAS and i came with OpenVPN so will do that and turn off the specific port forwarding I am currently using.

All looks good,
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 16:07

Gully wrote:Peter

It might be worth adding a stronger warning to check for differences in naming. The first example that got me this time was Clarke and Dawe (as it is in IceTV) which is Clarke & Dawe in the FTA guide.
Done. Stole your example and added one of my own.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 16:15

craigh wrote:Excellent guide, added the changes for checking title and description for uniqueness etc.. some exclude filters for Encore on channel 10 and I have have a very clean set of timers being created. ...
Thanks. I've added a para about how checking title and description for uniqueness will fail on "encores" on Ten and how to deal with it. Thanks for the reminder.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Trial_Master » Sat Oct 17, 2015 16:40

Great post Peter. Even though Ice is back I'm going to try the AutoTimers for a few weeks if it's easier with Ice at least that option exists. Will you guys still use Ice or AutoTimers?

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 16:52

Trial_Master wrote:... Will you guys still use Ice or AutoTimers?
I'm intending to go back to IceTV.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Trial_Master » Sat Oct 17, 2015 16:55

I take it custom folders are not an option for Ice recordings? I'll likely end up back on Ice but would like to have a play with Auto Timers first then either disable them or back up the .xml and delete them. So many more options than my DP-P2

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 17:01

Trial_Master wrote:I take it custom folders are not an option for Ice recordings? ...

That lack is the main reason for the existence of the Series2Folder plugin. Which I may do some more work on to make it to be more automated now that IceTV is back.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Trial_Master » Sat Oct 17, 2015 17:23

prl wrote:
Trial_Master wrote:I take it custom folders are not an option for Ice recordings? ...

That lack is the main reason for the existence of the Series2Folder plugin. Which I may do some more work on to make it to be more automated now that IceTV is back.
Another plugin to check out :)

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Sat Oct 17, 2015 17:48

I don't think
Use automatic selection of alternatives
does what you've described. I think that is to do with when you use alternative channels in bouquets (maonly a satellite thing)
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 17:58

simoncasey wrote:I don't think
Use automatic selection of alternatives
does what you've described. I think that is to do with when you use alternative channels in bouquets (maonly a satellite thing)
Thanks. I'll check it out.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by jpp » Sat Oct 17, 2015 18:01

Perhaps add a definition of bouquet for those who've not played around with the T series. - I know what the word means, but what does it means in T series parlance?
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 18:16

jpp wrote:Perhaps add a definition of bouquet for those who've not played around with the T series. - I know what the word means, but what does it means in T series parlance?
Not a bunch of flowers ;)

But yes, good idea.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Sat Oct 17, 2015 19:25

prl wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I don't think
Use automatic selection of alternatives
does what you've described. I think that is to do with when you use alternative channels in bouquets (maonly a satellite thing)
Thanks. I'll check it out.
ivthink what you've described is Add similar timers on conflict, which you mention earlier.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by raymondjpg » Sat Oct 17, 2015 19:37

prl wrote:Thanks. I've added a para about how checking title and description for uniqueness will fail on "encores" on Ten and how to deal with it. Thanks for the reminder.
Which para is that?
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Sat Oct 17, 2015 20:38

I've also noticed that some of the setting on the screens when you import from timer or epg don't work. In particular if you turn off enable, the autotimer is still enabled when it opens the actual autotimer.
It would be nice to switch off that whole opening screen completely and just use the defaults.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Gully » Sat Oct 17, 2015 21:17

simoncasey wrote:I've also noticed that some of the setting on the screens when you import from timer or epg don't work. In particular if you turn off enable, the autotimer is still enabled when it opens the actual autotimer.
It would be nice to switch off that whole opening screen completely and just use the defaults.
I found out that you need to turn off enable on the second screen when importing from existing timers and that then leaves them turned off. Haven't tried from EPG.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 22:17

raymondjpg wrote:
prl wrote:Thanks. I've added a para about how checking title and description for uniqueness will fail on "encores" on Ten and how to deal with it. Thanks for the reminder.
Which para is that?
It got lost somehow :evil:
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sat Oct 17, 2015 22:27

Gully wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I've also noticed that some of the setting on the screens when you import from timer or epg don't work. In particular if you turn off enable, the autotimer is still enabled when it opens the actual autotimer.
It would be nice to switch off that whole opening screen completely and just use the defaults.
I found out that you need to turn off enable on the second screen when importing from existing timers and that then leaves them turned off. Haven't tried from EPG.
If Enabled is unticked in the first screen, it defaults to the setting in the timer defaults, which is "enabled", and can't be changed.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Sat Oct 17, 2015 22:39

prl wrote:
Gully wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I've also noticed that some of the setting on the screens when you import from timer or epg don't work. In particular if you turn off enable, the autotimer is still enabled when it opens the actual autotimer.
It would be nice to switch off that whole opening screen completely and just use the defaults.
I found out that you need to turn off enable on the second screen when importing from existing timers and that then leaves them turned off. Haven't tried from EPG.
If Enabled is unticked in the first screen, it defaults to the setting in the timer defaults, which is "enabled", and can't be changed.
Of course. That makes sense as that's how the others work.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:38

simoncasey wrote:
prl wrote:
Gully wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I've also noticed that some of the setting on the screens when you import from timer or epg don't work. In particular if you turn off enable, the autotimer is still enabled when it opens the actual autotimer.
It would be nice to switch off that whole opening screen completely and just use the defaults.
I found out that you need to turn off enable on the second screen when importing from existing timers and that then leaves them turned off. Haven't tried from EPG.
If Enabled is unticked in the first screen, it defaults to the setting in the timer defaults, which is "enabled", and can't be changed.
Of course. That makes sense as that's how the others work.
It might make sense if the user had control over the timer defaults setting for Enable.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by ETA_2016 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 13:26

Is there a way to set global default settings for autotimers, so you don't have to change the same settings every time you create an autotimer?

Also why don't autotimers use the global padding times set in recordings?

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by IanB » Sun Oct 18, 2015 13:44

ETA_2016 wrote:Is there a way to set global default settings for autotimers, so you don't have to change the same settings every time you create an autotimer?
While in the autotimer screen press menu then chose setup and/or Edit new timer defaults.
Also why don't autotimers use the global padding times set in recordings?
They do unless you set padding in the individual autotimer.

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Flash_Gordon » Sun Oct 18, 2015 14:21

Any chance of a set-up Video - for the T4?

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 14:24

Not from me.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 15:48

prl wrote:
raymondjpg wrote:
prl wrote:Thanks. I've added a para about how checking title and description for uniqueness will fail on "encores" on Ten and how to deal with it. Thanks for the reminder.
Which para is that?
It got lost somehow :evil:
Fixed now.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 15:53

Could an admin make this topic sticky for me? My mod powers (or perhaps my mod-fu) seem to be too weak.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Gully » Sun Oct 18, 2015 16:07

prl wrote:Could an admin make this topic sticky for me? My mod powers (or perhaps my mod-fu) seem to be too weak.
Done. :D
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 16:15

Gully wrote:
prl wrote:Could an admin make this topic sticky for me? My mod powers (or perhaps my mod-fu) seem to be too weak.
Done. :D
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 16:37

prl wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I don't think
Use automatic selection of alternatives
does what you've described. I think that is to do with when you use alternative channels in bouquets (maonly a satellite thing)
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Changed description.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Sun Oct 18, 2015 16:37

prl wrote:
jpp wrote:Perhaps add a definition of bouquet for those who've not played around with the T series. - I know what the word means, but what does it means in T series parlance?
Not a bunch of flowers ;)

But yes, good idea.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by ETA_2016 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 17:09

IanB wrote:
ETA_2016 wrote:Is there a way to set global default settings for autotimers, so you don't have to change the same settings every time you create an autotimer?
While in the autotimer screen press menu then chose setup and/or Edit new timer defaults.
Also why don't autotimers use the global padding times set in recordings?
They do unless you set padding in the individual autotimer.
Thanks IanB.

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by raymondjpg » Sun Oct 18, 2015 17:15

prl wrote:
prl wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I don't think
Use automatic selection of alternatives
does what you've described. I think that is to do with when you use alternative channels in bouquets (maonly a satellite thing)
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Changed description.
Might be useful where shows are "simulcast" on SD and HD channels, particularly SBS?
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Sun Oct 18, 2015 17:44

raymondjpg wrote:
prl wrote:
prl wrote:
simoncasey wrote:I don't think
Use automatic selection of alternatives
does what you've described. I think that is to do with when you use alternative channels in bouquets (maonly a satellite thing)
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Changed description.
Might be useful where shows are "simulcast" on SD and HD channels, particularly SBS?
You'll need to go to some effort to set it up as the normal Australia service scan doesn't apply alternatives. In Europe where the enigma2 devices have 5000 channels and combine terrestrial, satellite and cable into 1 device it can be used to switch between. I'd if your satellite is in use, switch to terrestrial or cable. Alterntively you can choose to not switch in the case where the alternative comes with a premium subscription. In those situations, you don't create your own set of bouquets but download them ready configured and then set your own favourite.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Trial_Master » Mon Oct 19, 2015 21:54

Hi All

I have a few keywords I used to record with IceTV. I would like to set up similar with Autotimers. I have set up filters for ShortDescription and Description with the include keywords but does it matter what I use for Match Title and it's associated options?

The problem I think I may face with Autotimers is with programmes not currently in the guide. You have to hope your Match Title is spot so you don't miss a show when it returns. IceTV is certainly the safer option in that regard. Having fun setting my new T4 up but not sure how long I'll run with Autotimers.

EDIT: I just tried to connect to T4 via OpenWebif and page timed out. I had activated WoL so I sent a packet to wake it and could then connect. I thought I read you could connect to OpenWebif when machine is in standby? I haven't changed the power settings from their default and am running latest production firmware.

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Tue Oct 20, 2015 09:45

Trial_Master wrote:...
I have a few keywords I used to record with IceTV. I would like to set up similar with Autotimers. I have set up filters for ShortDescription and Description with the include keywords but does it matter what I use for Match Title and it's associated options?
Filters are only applied to the events that match in Match title, so it matters a great deal.

Why not use "description match" for the "Search type" in "Match title"? Use what you think is the most selective keyword here, and the remaining keywords (if any) in the filters. "Description match" matches if the match string is in either the short description or the extended description. The match respects the cases sensitivity setting for "Match title".
Trial_Master wrote:The problem I think I may face with Autotimers is with programmes not currently in the guide. You have to hope your Match Title is spot so you don't miss a show when it returns. IceTV is certainly the safer option in that regard. Having fun setting my new T4 up but not sure how long I'll run with Autotimers.
Yes, the inconsistency of naming in the FTA EPG is one of its several failings.
Trial_Master wrote:EDIT: I just tried to connect to T4 via OpenWebif and page timed out. I had activated WoL so I sent a packet to wake it and could then connect. I thought I read you could connect to OpenWebif when machine is in standby? I haven't changed the power settings from their default and am running latest production firmware.
There's a "power switch" in Open WebIf at the top right under the "Open Source Web Interface for Linux set-top box" and the box type heading. I've always been able to switch T series boxes in and out of standby (not shutdown/deep standby) using that switch. But I don't have WoL enabled. Open Webif responds to browser requests when the box is in standby.

I wouldn't have expected the Open Webif page to be smart enough to know when it needed to send a WoL packet.

BTW, I recall peteru having measured power consumption in shutdown with WoL enabled as not being all that much less than power consumption in standby, so "shutdown with WoL" may be a false economy.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Trial_Master » Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:51

Hi Peter

Ok, I've made a mess of those AutoTimers then. I am trying to capture recordings with any of these keywords Copenhagen, Danish, Denmark. I'd think I should use Danish in Match title then include filters for the remaining words? Am I understanding this correctly?

I will disable the WoL setting this evening and see if that makes the difference. I left the T4 in standby overnight and tried to connect to Open Webif but the page timed out. I woke the unit with a WoL packet from my router and it came out of standby and then i could connect. Will come back to you on that one after WoL is disabled.

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:07

Trial_Master wrote:...
Ok, I've made a mess of those AutoTimers then. I am trying to capture recordings with any of these keywords Copenhagen, Danish, Denmark. I'd think I should use Danish in Match title then include filters for the remaining words? Am I understanding this correctly?
That's a tricky set of keywords for AutoTimers, because I don't think there is any one of them that will always match when any of them do.

An alternative might be to use an empty string and "Title starts with" in the title match and put all the keywords in "include" matches. I haven't tried that, so I'm not certain it will work. If it doesn't, "partial match" may.

You could always try matching on "Sofie Gråbøl" or "Faroe knitware" instead :D
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by Trial_Master » Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:11

prl wrote:You could always try matching on "Sofie Gråbøl" or "Faroe knitware" instead :D
If only it were that easy :)

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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:14

Trial_Master wrote:Hi Peter

Ok, I've made a mess of those AutoTimers then. I am trying to capture recordings with any of these keywords Copenhagen, Danish, Denmark. I'd think I should use Danish in Match title then include filters for the remaining words? Am I understanding this correctly?

I will disable the WoL setting this evening and see if that makes the difference. I left the T4 in standby overnight and tried to connect to Open Webif but the page timed out. I woke the unit with a WoL packet from my router and it came out of standby and then i could connect. Will come back to you on that one after WoL is disabled.
You can't use include filters for Danish, Denmark and Copenhagen as include filters are AND so would require all three terms.

I think the easiest things is to create three autotimers mapping each of the terms in the description rather than the title. Not elegant but will work. I'm not sure if one if the settings will stop the same show being recorded multiple times if it has more than one of the terms.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Tue Oct 20, 2015 15:22

simoncasey wrote:...
You can't use include filters for Danish, Denmark and Copenhagen as include filters are AND so would require all three terms.
You can, but not as separate filters. A regexp of 'Danish|Denmark|Copenhagen' will work just fine.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by craigh » Tue Oct 20, 2015 16:06

prl wrote:
Trial_Master wrote:...
Ok, I've made a mess of those AutoTimers then. I am trying to capture recordings with any of these keywords Copenhagen, Danish, Denmark. I'd think I should use Danish in Match title then include filters for the remaining words? Am I understanding this correctly?
That's a tricky set of keywords for AutoTimers, because I don't think there is any one of them that will always match when any of them do.

An alternative might be to use an empty string and "Title starts with" in the title match and put all the keywords in "include" matches. I haven't tried that, so I'm not certain it will work. If it doesn't, "partial match" may.

You could always try matching on "Sofie Gråbøl" or "Faroe knitware" instead :D
I thought it did not allow an empty string for the Match Title field
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by prl » Tue Oct 20, 2015 16:10

craigh wrote:... I thought it did not allow an empty string for the Match Title field
You're right :( I did say I hadn't tried it.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by simoncasey » Tue Oct 20, 2015 16:15

prl wrote:
simoncasey wrote:...
You can't use include filters for Danish, Denmark and Copenhagen as include filters are AND so would require all three terms.
You can, but not as separate filters. A regexp of 'Danish|Denmark|Copenhagen' will work just fine.
I thought you were suggesting using the terms in the match title field that doesn't use regexp.

Although I see that I used the term filters which was probably wrong for what I meant.
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Re: A quick guide to Beyonwiz T series AutoTimers

Post by craigh » Tue Oct 20, 2015 17:14

prl wrote:
craigh wrote:... I thought it did not allow an empty string for the Match Title field
You're right :( I did say I hadn't tried it.

However the help text says use "partial match" or "description match" if you only want to search for a part of the event description

So if you had 3 terms you wanted to search for in the description the first one could be in the Match Title field and the other 2 by including in filters....possibly
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